An important feature of the EMHF Political & Legislative Committee's work is its 'Brussels Missions'. These annual visits, led by the Committee's Chair, Paull Khan, feature a series of meetings with key decision-makers in the European Parliament, Commission, etc., arranged by the EMHF's Political Advisor, Cathy McGlynn. All EMHF EU Member Countries are invited to send appropriate delegates.
The most recent Mission, which took place on July 23rd/24th, just before the Parliamentarians' 'end of term', was important, not least because this year has been election year and there are many new faces among the MEPs.
One such is Nina Carberry. After every election, we scan the CV's of the newly-elected for any evidence of an interest in our sector. With Nina, we hit the jackpot! Former Irish Amateur Jump Jockey and winner of an Irish Grand National, she is the daughter of multiple Irish Champion Jump Jockey, Tommy Carberry, and sister-in-law to another great Champion, Ruby Walsh.

From l. to r.: John Osborne, Paula Cunniffe, Paull Khan, Nina Carberry, Suzanne Eade, Tanguy Courtois.
Nina Carberry sits on the Transport and Tourism Committee - highly relevant to one of the burning issues of the moment for racing, the review of Animal Welfare in Transport legislation. Another key Committee for this dossier is that for Agriculture and Rural Development, and we were delighted to meet with another new MEP, former Irish Agriculture Minister, Barry Cowen.
The Missions allow us not only to meet with new 'movers and shakers', but also to build relations over time and we were delighted to meet up again with former EP First Vice-President, Mairead McGuinness and MEP's Sean Kelly and Billy Kelleher.
The EMHF delegation had a strong Irish flavour this year, with Horse Racing Ireland's Chief Executive Officer, Suzanne Eade, Equine Welfare & Bloodstock Director, John Osborne and Director of Communications & Marketing, Paula Cunniffe making the journey. The team also met with Pat O'Rourke, Advisor to Ciaran Mullooly, MEP and Kevin Foloey-Friel, Agricultural Attache with the Irish Permanent Representation to the EU.
Tanguy Courtois, Head of Public Affairs for French racing, represented France and met with Céline Imart (EPP - France), Maria Noichl (S&D - Germany), and Valérie Deloge (Patriots - France), as well as the Permanent Representation of France.
Finally, Paull Khan and Tanguy Courtois joined EMHF Political and Legislative Committee Member and European Horse Network (EHN) Secretary-General, Florence Gras in an EHN planning meeting with MEP Horse Group Chair, Hilda Vautmans, MEP.
All in all, a packed and highly valuable series of meetings.