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Seminar on anti-doping policy, bosted by France Galop

A seminar on Antidoping Policy took place in the offices of France Galop on May the 29th and 30th 2013.

This seminar was organised by France Galop, under the auspices of the European and Mediterranean Federation of Horseracing Authorities, and open to Administrators in charge of antidoping policy, racing veterinary officers and official chemists.

10 countries were represented: Austria, Belgium, Hungary, Lithuania, Morocco, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, and Turkey.

The 20 persons in attendance were stewards, racing chemists, veterinary officers, administrators and lawyers.

The program included seven conferences on the different aspects of the doping control and two visits: a sampling demonstration at Longchamp racecourse and the visit to the laboratory LCH.

This seminar gave the participants the opportunity to have an overview on doping control, to compare the different policies set up and to study the different problems which have had to be faced.

The chairman of the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities joined the participants for the official dinner offered by France Galop.

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